A lot of you are probably wondering why I decided to join Patreon when I already give you a good bit of content for free in my newsletters, on social media, and on this blog. If you’d like to check out my creator page, you can do so HERE.

I’ll be 100% honest with you guys: the content I share on my Patreon creator page is pretty much exclusively things my superfans are going to want to see. Want to know more?

The best thing I can think of to offer my patrons is a true back-stage pass to all aspects of my creative life: the good, the bad, and the ugly. 

I am excited to announce my transition into a full-time writer! This will allow me to dedicate all my creative might into writing the best stories I possibly can for you – my fans! Leaving the security of “regular” work is a daunting change, but by creating this Patreon page, I hope to include you in supporting my dream, and in turn, get a unique glimpse into how your favorite stories develop from idea, to first draft, to finished product! 

My patrons will get access to all kinds of behind-the-scenes looks at my work and my creative process. I plan on including a little bit of everything from deleted scenes to early access to cover reveals and teasers for upcoming work I’m planning on releasing. Although I’m a little bit intimidated by the idea of appearing on video, I also plan to do occasional behind-the-scenes live streams, etc. It won’t just be all fun and games, though. I also plan on being VERY real regarding my author life struggles (hello, writer’s block, imposter syndrome, and ADD). 

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