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I really wanted (and planned) to be finished with Outfoxing the Alpha by the end of the day today. Obviously, since I’m making this post, that hasn’t happened yet! That’s okay, though. The day’s not technically over if you don’t go to sleep, right? The good news is that I’m working as hard as I can to bring you this free paranormal romance novelette. No matter what, I will turn it in on time for it to release with the Fate’s Call collection.

As you can see, I’m currently halfway to where I need to be in roughly 19 hours.

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Coven of Lies - Second Edition, Adapted for YA
Phase:Upload & Release

I just wanted to take this moment to thank my bravest beta readers. They fearlessly dove in to the reading on this project before it’s even finished. There is a special place in the universe for readers like you.

If you’d like to send words of encouragement, click the heart above the progress bar to send me a message!

Now, speaking of free paranormal romance, I think it’s time for me to tell you a little bit more about the Fate’s Call collection. First of all, it will contain Outfoxing the Alpha.

Secondly, Fate’s Call is a collection of free paranormal romance and reverse harem shifter stories. Many are companion pieces to the books that appear in the Fated Mates collection. What’s not to love about free books?

I hope you got a kick out of this meme, and if you haven’t pre-ordered Fated Mates, you can pick it up here. Anyway, I’m off to stop procrastinating, grab a cup of coffee, and write four chapters!

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