I’ve got another The Blood Hunter’s Dragon update for you! I’m kind of dead on my feet, but I feel so accomplished right now. For those of you who don’t know, I’m trying to write a 24,000-word novelette over the course of the next three days. My Patrons can actually get live word count updates as I write HERE.

So, here’s what went down in the past couple of days.

  1. I decided that I’m finishing The Blood Hunter’s Dragon by March 31. No more excuses or letting my mental health issues and client work get in the way of my own writing career.
  2. I started a Patreon account because I’ve decided I’m transitioning into writing full-time, instead of spreading myself too thin and always having to put my own writing on the back burner in favor of taking care of other people. You can read more about that decision and the benefits of becoming a patron HERE.

Today was my first day of actually treating myself like a full-time writer (as well as a stay-at-home mom) first and foremost. So, I stayed up until 3:45 this morning finishing up my detailed plot so I’d be ready to go for writing today. I got up at 7:00 AM with my kiddo, double-checked my plot, and took the hubby lunch/ate with him at work. I ran errands, did laundry, and then I had an EXTREMELY productive writing session (compared to my usual slow as hell self) from 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM. (If I’m doing my math right, I averaged well over 1,000 words per hour.)

Hubs and I are taking kiddo out to dinner with my parents tonight, and I’m going to celebrate by going to bed EARLY when we get back. Tomorrow is another all-day writing day. I’m on track to finish The Blood Hunter’s Dragon by March 31. Beta readers can expect to get eyes on it during the first week of April (unless something goes horribly wrong). Here’s to a well-rested writing day tomorrow!

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