After an unpleasant, judgmental encounter with someone who did not realize that some of C. J.’s titles weren’t as “clean” as the others, she realized it would be best to separate her books into different pen names with clearly defined heat levels and brand expectations.

Heat Level Guide

Level 1: Sweet/no heat, with one kiss at most. Not too passionate or physically involved.

Level 2: A little bit physical. In the case that things get intimate, the focus is on feelings, and euphemisms are generally used instead of specific wording. No on the page sex.

Level 3: A bit more intimacy, possibly some sex, but any sex is closed door. Readers may get the full heat leading up to when the action is about to begin, but then things will stop and pan away for the reader.

Level 4: Full-on, on the page sex. All the heat and physical bits are described for the reader.

Level 5: This is full on heat, but with additional spice that’s maybe a bit edgier. Possible BDSM, anal, kink and/or multiple partners, etc.

Pen Names & Brand Expectations

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C. J. Beaumont, USA Today Bestselling Author

Magic, Mythology, and Mysteries

Heat Level: Up to 3

Heavily influenced by mythology and the supernatural, stories under this name tend to be slow-burn series books, which will not contain descriptive, on-the-page sex scenes. It takes time and toil for the characters in these books to develop and find the way to their eventual, hard-earned happily-ever-afters. Also note that although many books under the C. J. Beaumont name are young adult and/or new adult, they often touch on tough and potentially triggering real-world issues that the characters deal with along their journeys, so reader discretion is advised. Many of these issues are rooted in the mental and chronic physical health issues she has personally battled throughout her life. They also contain swear words and violence, and revolve around trying to solve murders. Please check the trigger warning pages before reading if you have concerns.

C. J. Beaumont Brand Mood Board
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Luna Beaumont Logo
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Luna Beaumont

Wild Love & Paranormal Passion

Heat Levels: 4-5

What can you expect from Luna Beaumont stories? The short answer is swoon-worthy steamy/spicy paranormal romance and/or urban fantasy stories with descriptive on-the-page sex scenes. Be prepared for sensual supernaturals, fated mates, and wild love. Every book ends in an HFN or HEA situation, depending on whether it’s a standalone or a series book.

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Eve Blackmoor
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Eve Blackmoor

What if there were dark truths behind every fairytale?

Heat Level: TBA

Eve Blackmoor stories are a thrilling, decadent blend of dark fantasy and fairytale retellings with an as-yet undecided heat level that will reveal itself during the writing process.

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