Top 7 Self-Care for Writers Tweets

Top 7 Self-Care for Writers Tweets

As Mental Health Awareness Week ends, I rounded up the top 7 self-care for writers tweets. As a mental health advocate, I hope they’re helpful to you! We all know that Twitter is a veritable gold mine, but today I was genuinely impressed with the wealth of...

Get Rogue Skies Now

The skies have gone rogue. Space can’t be tamed. And magic is a law unto itself. Transport yourself to new worlds where dark magic clashes with witty witches, diabolic demons, feisty fae, and sexy shifters. Or travel through time and space with cosmic spies,...

All Caught Up On Giveaways!

Hey, guys! I just wanted to take a quick minute to check in and let you all know that I’m finally caught up on giveaways! I still plan to go through and get caught up on answering every single email you guys send, as well. I also want to say just how much I...

Newsletters Going Out Late This Week

I’m so sorry, but both my Saturday newsletters are going out late this weekend. I had far too many client and personal demands to meet this week to be able to get to them on time. I tried to work on them with my phone as a personal hotspot, but my signal was not good...
Introducing Beaumont Book Boxes!

Introducing Beaumont Book Boxes!

USA Today bestselling paranormal romance author C. J. Beaumont is now curating exclusive surprise book boxes for her die-hard book-loving readers.  Each surprise box will contain a hand-picked paperback book from a paranormal romance, urban fantasy, or similar...

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