You guys already know I love it when you “stalk” my social media accounts, so if you don’t already follow C. J. Beaumont on Tumblr, you might want to jump on that. This blog is mostly for shiny, happy, exciting things. I like to keep things largely positive on my official website. Understandable, right?

For those of you who want to see me get REALLY real…head over to my Tumblr. I share a LOT of gorgeous book pics, but I also get real about my mental health issues, where I am in my writing process/publishing plans. I like to think I’ve got a great balance of things on there. I’ll be adding more soon, too.

I’m going to have a little bit of everything on my Tumblr. Maybe not quite as much or as soon as I release it on Patreon, but it’s there.

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