by C. J. Beaumont | Oct 25, 2019 | Behind the Scenes With C. J. Beaumont, My Books, My Series, Shifting Southern Hearts: Tales of Fated Mates
So, I’m kind of doing a crazy person thing between now and Halloween (a.k.a. completely overhauling the plot on Seducing the Alpha and writing this 50,000-word novel over the next five days). If you follow me on Instagram, you know that I’ve been...
by C. J. Beaumont | Oct 11, 2019 | Coven of Secrets, My Books, My Series, The Bayshore Witch Legacy
Hello, my lovely readers! I’m excited to announce that there are Advance Reader Copies (ARCs) of Coven of secrets available to read right now. The number available is extremely limited, which is why there is an application process required. I also happen to have...
by C. J. Beaumont | Jul 19, 2019 | Coven of Secrets, My Books, My Series, The Bayshore Witch Legacy
I just made progress on Coven of Secrets! So far I’m 97% complete on the Writing phase. Coven of SecretsPhase:WritingDue:6 years ago96.7%Get Book UpdatesMyBookProgress by Author Media I genuinely intended to finish this book last month, but life happens. I do,...
by C. J. Beaumont | Jul 16, 2019 | My Books, My Series, Outfoxing Her Mate, Shifting Southern Hearts: Tales of Fated Mates
Possessing the Alpha recently released in Kindle Unlimited. So, I decided to give away 3 copies of the prequel, Outfoxing the Alpha. I think that’s a fun way to celebrate! It’s super easy to enter. Just check out your options below! Share this:Click to...
by C. J. Beaumont | Jul 15, 2019 | My Books, The Blood Hunter's Dragon
A Vampire and Dragon Shifter Romance by C. J. Beaumont I am excited to announce that The Blood Hunter’s Dragon, my latest vampire and dragon shifter romance release, is now available to read FREE in Kindle Unlimited! Interested in learning more about The Blood...
by C. J. Beaumont | Jul 12, 2019 | Coven of Secrets, My Books, My Series, The Bayshore Witch Legacy
My health struggles have meant that I’ve been significantly slower than I intended to be on this book. Fortunately, though, I can actually see light at the end of the tunnel on this one now! ^_^ I finished off chapter 27 this morning, which means I only have 3...